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” “Don’t worry about that. We can all get rings later.” Elizabeth said shakily, rubbing her watery eyes. “But let’s do the ceremony tonight. Now that you’ve brought it up, I literally can’t wait.” “Way ahead of you.” Martha said, handing me a phone. She had already looked up the *********** for a wedding. It looked like I was expected to perform the ceremony myself. The girls gathered on the floor around me, all nine of them rubbing my thankfully sizable manhood. Having nine girls service me at once had me instantly near finishing. “I guess I’ll try. Hopefully this doesn’t sound cringy.” I said, reading through the ***********. Usually, the groom would not be the one reciting it, so I knew I would need to change a few of the lines to fit the situation. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat, “Ahem, we are gathered here today to join me, Ray Davis, and…” The girls cut me off, taking turns announcing their names. “Elizabeth!”“Amanda!” “Judy!” “Sally!” “Karen!”“Trisha.”“Brianna…”. The butcher shop, the bakery, the shoemaker store, ice cream parlour, Danski's Tailors, Jaffi's book store ... I was home again! This was the street I grew up on and I knew every inch even if I was blind folded.I swivelled my head so hard to the right that I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Eyes wide, there stood my brownstone home. Mom had kept her flower garden as beautiful as ever, dad must have slaved to cut the lawn on his own without having me to argue with to get it done.The symbolic friendship wreath my mother made to welcome guests hung on the door. I was positive that the welcome-mat, also lovingly weaved by her, would lie sprawled at the front door stoop. We didn't hide a key under it; there was no need back then. I would walk through the door, kick off my shoes in every which direction and shed my school bag off my shoulders wherever it happened to land and scream out that I was home. I would always ask my favourite question 'what's for supper' as I peeled off my school.
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